How much of aging is under our control?

I came across a clip on social media of a recent on-air interview between 70-year-old Howard Stern and 76-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger. The chemistry between these two used to be entertaining — like 25 years ago. Stern once asked Schwarzenegger if Schwarzenegger suffered from any of the well-known side effects of long-term steroid use. Schwarzeneggar replied:…

What else did the response to COVID break?

I’m reading a book called The Savage Continent which describes the conditions in Europe in the aftermath of World War II. One short passage illustrates how fragile morality always is. In 1929, world powers proudly adopted the Third Geneva Convention, which ensured the humane treatment of prisoners of war. Within a decade, the treaty had…

Everyman Common Sense

My mother-in-law was born in San Cristobal, Venezuela in the early 1950s. The city is located in the mountains of western Venezuela, about 35 miles from the Colombian border. The area prospered in the 1950s due to extensive trade with Colombia consisting mostly of agricultural products and textiles.    My mother-in-law didn’t go to college,…

The importance of n=1 for healing tissue degeneration injuries

Here’s your Word of the Week: agnosticism. It’s a fancy word that simply means the truth is unknowable. The term is generally used in a religious context — agnostics believe it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of a higher power. However, in my experience, agnosticism also applies to health. Look for example…

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The opportunity cost of the government’s multi-trillion-dollar COVID response

According to the Brownstone Institute, the U.S. federal government spent $10 trillion on COVID. The government’s own spending tracker website says, however, that the expenditure was a much more modest $4.56 trillion. If you’re curious how this lower amount was distributed, the Associated Press did some research and wrote about its findings: “Fraudsters potentially stole…