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Elevate Your Fitness Altitude: A Plan for Maintaining Strength During Vacation Travel

Flying an airplane is a lot like getting fit. First, take a look at the physics of airplane flight: The physics of getting in — or returning to — good shape is similar, particularly as you grow older. I was cruising for a while, but then took a month off from the gym for a…

Unlocking Potential: A 25% Approach to Health and Wellness

At social events, when I politely decline: alcohol, dessert, anything that comes out of a box, food after dark (circadian rhythm), and products mixed with vegetable oils — acquaintances often respond by saying, “I could never be like you.” In one comment, they excuse their own lazy lifestyle by writing off mine as extreme and…


Returning from a One Month Gym Vacation: Lessons Learned

I remember as a teenager reading one of the 2-inch tall bodybuilding “encyclopedia” books that were popular in the 1980s. Of note in this particular volume was a few pages written by an emerging pro, a guy who had an impressive physique, but was not yet championship-level. This fellow was a huge advocate of taking…